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Wheel tractor Case IH Maxxum 110 hydraulics

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1 ad: Wheel tractor Case IH Maxxum 110 hydraulics

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Case IH OEM: axial piston pump for Case IH Maxxum 100, Maxxum 110, Maxxum 115, Maxxum 120, Maxxum 125, Maxxum 130, Maxxum 135, Maxxum 140, Puma 150, Puma 165, Puma 180, Series T6, Series T6000 wheel tractor Case IH OEM: axial piston pump for Case IH Maxxum 100, Maxxum 110, Maxxum 115, Maxxum 120, Maxxum 125, Maxxum 130, Maxxum 135, Maxxum 140, Puma 150, Puma 165, Puma 180, Series T6, Series T6000 wheel tractor Case IH OEM: axial piston pump for Case IH Maxxum 100, Maxxum 110, Maxxum 115, Maxxum 120, Maxxum 125, Maxxum 130, Maxxum 135, Maxxum 140, Puma 150, Puma 165, Puma 180, Series T6, Series T6000 wheel tractor
€3,300 ≈ $3,598 ≈ GHS 55,740
Axial piston pump
PP84471387 - NEW, Analog OEM: 84471387
Germany, Dusseldorf
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Price on request
Hydraulic pump
Netherlands, Wouw
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Marketing agency for dealers of farm equipment Marketing agency for dealers of farm equipment
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Hydraulic distributor
Denmark, Hemmet
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Price on request
Hydraulic distributor
Denmark, Hemmet
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Price on request
Hydraulic distributor
Denmark, Hemmet
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Cięgno Bowdena Case IH 253652A4 for wheel tractor Cięgno Bowdena Case IH 253652A4 for wheel tractor
€238.90 PLN 1,000 ≈ $260.40
Other hydraulic spare part
Poland, Wierzbno
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Case IH 47130650 hydraulic cylinder for Case MXU 135 wheel tractor
Price on request
Hydraulic cylinder
Denmark, Hemmet
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Wsparcie Case IH 254231A2 for wheel tractor Wsparcie Case IH 254231A2 for wheel tractor Wsparcie Case IH 254231A2 for wheel tractor
€23.89 PLN 100 ≈ $26.04
Other hydraulic spare part
Poland, Wierzbno
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Case IH 48151938 pilot control unit for Case IH wheel tractor Case IH 48151938 pilot control unit for Case IH wheel tractor Case IH 48151938 pilot control unit for Case IH wheel tractor
€23.89 PLN 100 ≈ $26.04
Pilot control unit
Poland, Wierzbno
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Cupla rapida mama other hydraulic spare part for Case IH wheel tractor
€36.16 RON 180 ≈ $39.43
Other hydraulic spare part
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Cupla rapida mama other hydraulic spare part for Case IH wheel tractor
€36.16 RON 180 ≈ $39.43
Other hydraulic spare part
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Vickers Hydraulics 1346425C1 axial piston pump for Case IH 1896, 2090, 2094, 2096, 2290, 2294, 3294 wheel tractor Vickers Hydraulics 1346425C1 axial piston pump for Case IH 1896, 2090, 2094, 2096, 2290, 2294, 3294 wheel tractor Vickers Hydraulics 1346425C1 axial piston pump for Case IH 1896, 2090, 2094, 2096, 2290, 2294, 3294 wheel tractor
Price on request
Axial piston pump
PART.NO. 1346425C1 REPLACED. A166504
Italy, Cingoli
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Klapan hidravlichnyi  CNH 292315A1 for Case IH MX180, MX200, MX220, MX240, MX270 wheel tractor
Price on request
Other hydraulic spare part
Ukraine, m. Kyiv
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Main Hydraulic, Standart Flow 63CC 87538174 hydraulic pump for Case IH МХ310  wheel tractor
$2,142 ≈ €1,965 ≈ GHS 33,190
Hydraulic pump
Ukraine, pgt. Yubileynoe
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149619C3 hydraulic pump for Case IH 7120,7140,8910,8940 wheel tractor
$2,580 ≈ €2,366 ≈ GHS 39,970
Hydraulic pump
149619C3 149619C3, 149619C2, 149619C91, 149619C1, 1346423C1
Ukraine, pgt. Yubileynoe
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432244A3 hydraulic pump for Case IH STX500   wheel tractor
$1,049 ≈ €962.10 ≈ GHS 16,250
Hydraulic pump
432244A3 87428412, 227748A3,
Ukraine, pgt. Yubileynoe
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225388A2 hydraulic pump for Case IH 7250,8940  wheel tractor
$723 ≈ €663.10 ≈ GHS 11,200
Hydraulic pump
225388A2 1978324C1, 225388A2, 225390A2, 225390A2R, 154616C3, 225388A1, 1542618C2, 225386A1,
Ukraine, pgt. Yubileynoe
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Vnutrennyaya chast mufty  CNH 84262367 for Case IH wheel tractor
$116 ≈ €106.40 ≈ GHS 1,797
Other hydraulic spare part
84262367 93328C3,321623A2,86018752,86026209,84262367
Ukraine, pgt. Yubileynoe
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Prokladka  J929751 other hydraulic spare part for Case IH wheel tractor
$11 ≈ €10.09 ≈ GHS 170.40
Other hydraulic spare part
Ukraine, pgt. Yubileynoe
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Насос ГСТ високого давления / Hydrostatic High Pressure Pump 87429249 hydraulic pump for Case IH МХ255 wheel tractor
$1,600 ≈ €1,467 ≈ GHS 24,790
Hydraulic pump
Ukraine, pgt. Yubileynoe
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87488819 hydraulic motor for Case IH wheel tractor
$1,102 ≈ €1,011 ≈ GHS 17,070
Hydraulic motor
Ukraine, pgt. Yubileynoe
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87429252 hydraulic pump for Case IH MX 285 wheel tractor
$2,073 ≈ €1,901 ≈ GHS 32,120
Hydraulic pump
Ukraine, pgt. Yubileynoe
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Search results: 1 ad

Prices for wheel tractor Case IH Maxxum 110 hydraulics

Cięgno Bowdena Case IH for wheel tractor Part number: 253652A4 €238.90
Main Hydraulic, Standart Flow 63CC hydraulic pump for Case IH МХ310 wheel tractor Part number: 87538174 €1,965
Hydraulic pump for Case IH 7120,7140,8910,8940 wheel tractor Part number: 149619C3 149619C3, 149619C2, 149619C91, 149619C1, 1346423C1 €2,366
Hydraulic pump for Case IH 7250,8940 wheel tractor Part number: 225388A2 1978324C1, 225388A2, 225390A2, 225390A2R, 154616C3, 225388A1, 1542618C2, 225386A1, €663.10
Hydraulic pump for Case IH STX500 wheel tractor Part number: 432244A3 87428412, 227748A3, €962.10
Насос ГСТ високого давления / Hydrostatic High Pressure Pump hydraulic pump for Case IH МХ255 wheel tractor Part number: 87429249 €1,467
Hydraulic pump for Case IH MX 285 wheel tractor Part number: 87429252 €1,901
Hydraulic motor for Case IH wheel tractor Part number: 87488819 €1,011
Axial piston pump for Case IH Maxxum 100, Maxxum 110, Maxxum 115, Maxxum 120, Maxxum 125, Maxxum 130, Maxxum 135, Maxxum 140, Puma 150, Puma 165, Puma 180, Series T6, Series T6000 wheel tractor Part number: PP84471387 - NEW, Analog OEM: 84471387 €3,300